When you are moving house there are a million and one things to remember so take a look at our Checklist to ensure you don’t forget anything.
- Redirect your mail – the Post Office will redirect your mail for 3, 6 or 12 months.
- Arrange for removers to move your property or remember to hire a van if you are moving yourself.
- Gas & Electricity Meters – Make sure you read and take note of your meter readings for Gas & Electricity (if you are metered) before you leave your old house and when you move into your new home. Ensure the appropriate companies are informed of your impending move and the date on which you wish to transfer to your new property.
- Council Tax and Water Charges – Notify your local Council and Water Board of the date of your move to ensure they update their records and adjust your account accordingly. Remember to notify your new Council and Water Board of your new address and date of move as well so new accounts can be set up.
- Telephone – Remember to transfer your account from one property to another and if necessary obtain a new number from your provider.
- Cancel Standing Orders/Direct Debits – You will probably have standing orders/direct debits set up for all or some of the above services. Ensure these are cancelled or adjusted accordingly.
- If you have your newspapers and/or milk delivered don’t forget to tell your newsagent and/or milkman that you are moving and arrange to settle your accounts up to date before you move.
- Make sure you have your mortgage, buildings and contents insurances all transferred to your new property or if you have taken out a new mortgage and/or insurances ensure the appropriate cover is in place from the date you take over your new property.
- Transfer your Television Licence to your new property.
- Hand over all the keys to your old property and collect the keys to your new property – if you are not certain that all keys to your new property have been handed over, it may be wise to change the locks after you move in.
- If the house you are moving to is a new or recent build, there will be a National House Builders Council (NHBC) policy in force for the property. Make sure you have the NHBC policy and know how much longer it has to run. Keep an eye on the property and if any defects appear, contact the NHBC immediately.
- Find out from the vendors of your new property where the mains gas and water taps are located and the fuse box so that you can find them in an emergency.
- Notify people of your change of address:
- Employers
- Doctor/Dentist/Optician
- Banks/Building Societies/Post Office Savings Accounts
- Schools
- Friends and Relatives
- Inspector of Taxes
- Credit Card Companies
- Mail Order Companies
- National Savings/Premium Bonds
- Insurance Companies – Life, Pension, Contents, Buildings, Personal
- Car Licence Authority
- Motoring Associations
- Hire Purchase Companies
- Stock Broker/Financial Adviser
- Professional Associations
- Registrar of any Company in which you hold shares/interests
- Clubs – Sports, Book, Social etc.